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What Millennials want from the Workplace

Posted by Damon Ankers on 05-Apr-2019 16:09:59

In forthcoming years 2017 is likely to be looked back upon as the greatest catalyst to change this side of the millennium. It was of course the year that democracy rained supreme. Brits voted with their feet for Brexit and our colonial cousins inaugurated Donald Trump into the White House. 

But, did you know that 2017 was also the year that Millennials displaced their predecessors 'Gen X' as the overwhelming majority in the workplace?

With a record number of baby boomers heading into retirement many of those who once held workplace seniority have passed the reins over to the next generation (Gen X) to direct the proverbial ship. 

As with each new generation that enters the market attitude and ideology of work (and life in fact) differ. Today's business and HR leaders are now responsible for putting those differences aside and create hiring processes and workplaces that are Millennial friendly. 

Businesses that fail to acclimatise to the millennial environment are effectively "building a wall" between their business and potential candidates. To ensure that you're ticking all of your Millennials boxes we've put together 5 key points that must be addresses to attract, recruit, engage and retain the best young professionals available. 

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Workplace Horrors.  Be afraid, be very afraid...

Posted by Peter Colley on 31-Oct-2016 10:35:20

Halloween is upon us. It's that time of the year when complete strangers dressed in monster costumes come to your house just after dark and ask for, of all things, sweets. Retail outlets, not wanting to be outdone, are stocked with plastic brooms, rubber spiders and soon-to-be-carved pumpkins. All in good taste perhaps, but for some people, the workplace sadly could be considered a house of horrors.

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