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Encourage Positive Health in the Workplace

Posted by Damon Ankers on 07-Sep-2017 14:05:49

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Research from the Mental Health Foundation found that one adult in six had a common mental disorder. Mixed anxiety and depression has been estimated to cause one fifth of days lost from work in Britain.

As employers, it's our duty to look after the wellbeing of our employees and make sure if any issues arise that we are in the position to provide support. 

Just one of the great features of our employee app is the ability to easily store resources for employees who may be struggling but don't necessarily want to reach out.

The app was built to promote employee engagement and boost peer to peer communication, this can act as a great support network for those affected. The platform can also be used to highlight to management if a certain staff member appears to be in any way struggling.   

Unhealthy staff are costing British employers on average 27.5 days of productive time per employee each year according to HR Magazine.

You can also promote, champion and improve physical health and wellbeing amongst employees with the employee app

These are just a few of the great ways an app could benefit you, learn more today.

As the war for talent hots up, UK businesses are working ever-harder to find, attract and retain the best talent. Workvine are here to lead cultural change in how you engage with your workforce. Through smarter communication and collaboration, we nurture a closer association of your employee belonging, safety and security, as part of the wider workforce community, regardless of them being part-time, remote or non-desk based.

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Topics: employee wellbeing