
Strengthening the Employee Relationship

Written by Damon Ankers | 14-Feb-2018 09:15:00

Valentine's Day is upon us. A time of love and romance... so why are we focusing on the world of work?

We're not expecting all workplaces to start showering themselves with rose petals. But much like a relationship, a job needs to be a match made in heaven, the right one for you. So, we delve into a few nuggets of wisdom that will make employees fall in love with their job and their workplace... and no, a love potion is NOT an option!

· Give Them a Glimpse of the Future – Now, while you don't need to be a clairvoyant for this bit – not that it would hurt – but if you want this fresh-faced candidate to be in it for the long haul, you need to take walk them through the possibilities not only of the things they will be doing in the immediate future, but the things they could be doing in the long-term. Maybe they will have opportunities to take on new skills. Maybe they will be able to rise to a new level of responsibility. Show them that you are committed to helping them develop and that will give them an extra incentive to staying with you for years to come.

· Keep Communication Constant – Once you've shaken hands and welcomed new recruits into the business, it's probably not best to disappear to the office, never to see them again until the day they decide to leave. You need to make sure that your door is always open to them, and if that's not possible, find an online platform through which to communicate. Show that you are invested in their work and by extension, their development. What work are they currently working on? Have you got any advice on hand to help them? What do they need to do their job better? What benefit schemes could you offer them for a job well done? All relationships rely on and are strengthened by strong communication.

· A Tight-Knit Unit – Everyone has heard the phrase 'No man is an island'. No employee should have to walk into work feeling as though they are the odd one out; a spot in a sea of stripes. We've all felt like that at some point at work. So take the time to make sure your staff are all engaged with one another. Remember, they're going to be spending eight hours a day together, more times than they'll see their own families. But if their links are strong enough, then work can offer them a second family.

Sometimes, it's all about the little things. Taking note of something in their personal lives, being there when they need you for professional or personal advice and to bring out the best in them. It is vital to invest in your relationship with that employee and ensure that they can see that investment. The result will be a long-lasting and fruitful relationship on both sides

Push notifications are a game changer – the customised employee app enables you to reach everyone, anywhere at anytime with any content. Deliver current news or safety updates,  employee rewards or recognition programmes… direct to their smartphones. It also acts as a central location for other employee centric functions, and as a two-way communication tool. 

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