
How can employee engagement increase motivation?

Written by Damon Ankers | 24-Sep-2019 10:39:00


How can employee engagement increase motivation?

Did you know that 29% of employees are not motivated at work
Employees are humans, not machines. To feel motivated, they need to feel the work
they do has meaning and that their contribution is of value.

In fact, research shows that 50% of employees would leave a company if they weren't
regularly recognised and thanked for their efforts. (Source: Reward Gateway)

Engaging them gives them a clear sense of purpose and belonging. It helps them feel
more connected to the organisation and shows them that the work they’re doing is
making a difference.

But it’s been suggested that companies focusing on engagement alone haven’t been
doing enough to understand what’s behind it.


Benefits of motivated employees


More Motivation, More Effort 

It almost goes without saying that if an employee feels like they are more motivated to carry out their work by the promise of either intrinsic or extrinsic reward, then they will put more effort into not only seeing their work done, but to produce it at the highest standard possible. A survey by CB Financial revealed that the properly motivated employee could increase their productivity by 45%. 


Retain Talent Longer 

If you have employees who feel committed to your company and inclined to give their best, then you won’t have them thinking that the grass could be greener on the other side. In fact, Gethppy revealed that employees who are engaged with their work are 87% more likely to be retained. 


Productive Profiting 

Gallup ran a worldwide survey focused around employee engagement, revealing that organisations with the highest levels for engagement are 17% more productive and 21% more profitable. If your company has a good motivation strategy, you could gain a dominant place in the market. 


How to increase employee motivation

Encourage Innovation 

Employees may be tasked with specific roles, but they should have the opportunity to bring their own ideas to the table. This ties into the idea of intrinsic motivation as employees are given the opportunity to bring their own ideas to light and could possibly allow the employee to progress even further in the company. So, the encouragement of innovation gives the employees a guiding hand in their own personal development. 


Stronger Communication 

Everyone knows that the hustle and bustle of a workplace can leave very little time for an idle conversation over who made it to the next stage of Britain’s Got Talent. However, when you’re at work, communication is key and it needs to be consistent.

From the board down, management to employees and employee to employee, clarity and consistency of communication is key to productivity.  

Barriers in communication can leave employees feeling unmotivated and disengaged. Tools such as an employee app can reestablish the lines of communication that have become jaded and improve top down communication, promote cross-functional communication and increase engagement. 


Valuing and Securing the Individual 

Employees need to feel valued, not as small cogs in a large machine, but as an individual who knows that their unique contribution to the company is appreciated and that the employer is willing to make use of that skillset as well as develop it.

Employees needs to know that they are doing a good job and can be rest assured in the security of their work. According to the 2018 edition of the report Living to Work, 34% of respondents stated that a major motivator for the other than basic salary was job security, something you need to be able to offer to both newcomers and the old guard. 




Download Your Guide Here!

In this guide we'll talk more about employee engagement, what is it and why it matters. We'll also give you an introduction to the 'employee experience' and the role that internal communication plays in improving employee engagement and the overall employee experience.